The Influence of Celebrity Endorsers on Conspicuous Consumption Through EWOM Based on a Gender Perspective

Mutia Arda, Arlina Nurbaity Lubis, Endang Sulistiya Rini, Amlys Syahputra Silalahi


Advances in information technology through Instagram have an influence on conspicuous consumption behavior. On the one hand, conspicuous consumption provides positive contributions such as economic growth, but on the other hand it can have negative impacts such as poverty traps because some people reduce or even eliminate savings even though per capita income increases. This research differentiates the results of conspicuous consumption in women and men. Data collection was carried out using a questionnaire to collect data on marketing strategies carried out on Instagram users. Data analysis using the SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) method using Smart PLS Multigroup. The sample in this study was 385 people spread across 10 provinces in Indonesia. The results of the first hypothesis test were accepted, Selebgram Endorser had a significant effect on conspicuous consumption and there were significant differences between gender groups. The results of the second hypothesis test, electronic word of mouth is significant for conspicuous consumption, and there are significant differences between gender groups. The results of the third hypothesis test were accepted, Selebgram Endorser was significant for electronic word of mouth, and there were no significant differences between gender groups. The results of the fourth hypothesis test were accepted, Selebgram Endorser was significant for conspicuous consumption through electronic word of mouth, and there were significant differences between gender groups.


Selebgram, EWOM, Conspicuous Consumption.

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