The Influence of the Role of Auditor Characteristics on the Quality of Audits in Public Accounting Firms in Medan City

Ridho Jihad Harsi, Henny Zurika Lubis


This research is a study conducted to determine the influence of auditor competence, motivation and ethics on the quality of audits at a Public Accounting Firm (KAP) in Medan City. This research uses a quantitative approach with secondary data sources processed from the company's financial statements published in The sample collection technique in this study is to use the slovin formula technique, with a population of 185 auditors so that it has a total sample of 64 respondents. The analysis carried out in this study includes descriptive statistical analysis, data quality test (validity and reliability test), classical assumption test (normality, multicholinearity, and heteroskedasticity test), multiple linear regression analysis and hypothesis testing with t test and determination coefficient test (R²). The software used to conduct this research is SPSS version 22. Based on the results of the study, it was concluded that Competence has a significant influence on Audit Quality in Public Accountants in Medan City, Auditor Ethics has a significant influence on Audit Quality in Public Accountants in Medan City, Motivation has a significant influence on Audit Quality in Public Accountants in Medan City and Competence, Auditor Ethics and Motivation have a significant influence on Audit Quality in Public Accountants in Medan City.


Competence, Motivation, Auditor Ethics and Audit Quality

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