Collaborative Governance Model of the Health Social Security Organizing Agency and the Medan Hajj General Hospital in the Governance of Health Services in Medan City Model
The collaboration of health service governance between the Medan Health Social Security Organizing Agency and the Medan Hajj General Hospital still causes many complaints, especially from patients who are users of the Health Social Security Organizing Agency. This may occur due to poor communication and coordination between the parties involved. This study aims to analyze the quality of service governance at the Medan Health Social Security Provider Agency. The research method used is qualitative and measures quality using transparency, accountability, and participation indicators. The results showed that Collaborative Governance between the Health Social Security Organizing Agency and the Medan Hajj General Hospital has been running well. However, it needs to be improved again in Participation (Communication and Coordination). The cooperation model used leads to the Lead Organization model, where the General Hospital of Haji Medan tends to wait for instructions or orders from the Health Social Security Provider Agency and has almost no opportunity to provide suggestions and input. Efforts are needed to maximize communication and coordination in supporting collaborative service governance in the Health Social Security Provider Agency at the Medan Hajj General Hospital.
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