The Effect of Cash Position, Debt to Equity Ratio, Size, And Return on Equity on Dividend Payout Ratio in Consumer Goods Companies Listed on The Indonesia Stock Exchange For 2016-2020

Nora Safitri, Ahmad Yusuf, Dina Cristin Rotua, Raja Ria Yusnita


The research aims to analyze the effect of cash position, Debt to Equity Ratio, Size, and Return on Equity (ROE) to Dividend Payout Ratio. Independent variables were used cash position, Debt to Equity Ratio, Size, and Return on Equity (ROE). Dependent variable were used Dividend Payout Ratio. The objects in this research are consumer goods companies that listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange from 2016 -2020. There were 14 companies selected as research sample. Sample selection using purposive sampling methode with certain criteria that needs of the reseach. The analytical technique used in this research is Panel Data Regression using the E-views 10 program. The result of this research concluded that Cash position, DER,Size and ROE have significant effect on DPR. But, as partial DER has negative significant on DPR and Size has a positive significat on DPR. Meanwhile 2 other variables did not have significant on DPR.


Dividend Payout Ratio, Cash position, Size and Debt to Equity Ratio

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