The Roles of Variety Seeking, Price, and Customer Satisfction in Customers Decision in Brand Switching of Disney Hotstar

Aimee M. I. Khimuray, Thyophoida W. S. Panjaitan


Technology is one of the most important things in human life today. It develops a lot of aspects including films and entertainment. Before, we used to watch films in cinemas but with technology, we can watch films through a platform called VOD (Video On Demand) which is a movie streaming platform that can be used everywhere and anytime through internet. The purpose of this study is to determine whether variety seeking, price, and customer satisfaction can affect brand switching in VOD Disney+ Hotstar. This study is quantitative research using descriptive approach and the sample that is used in this study is all Disney+ Hotstar subscribers in Surabaya, Indonesia. In this study concludes that variety seeking affects significantly to brand switching of the VOD Disney+ Hotstar subscriber. But price and customer satisfaction have no affect to brand switching of VOD Disney+ Hotstar Subscriber.


variety seeking, price, customer satisfaction, brand switching

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